Market Making Strategies
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Kyle's Single Period Model
Deep Learning and insider trading.
A quick exploration into how Deep Learning can be applied to problems in mathematial finance - specifically market microstructure and insider trading.
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WebAssembly & C++
Using C++ and WebAssembly to make a Black-Scholes pricer in browser
WebAssembly & C++ (WORK IN PROGRESS)
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Starter Notebook for LSESU Machine Learning Society Datathon
Intro to bag of words and for text classification.
Part 1 - Introduction to NLP and Bag Of Words
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Introduction to Git, Github and Webpages
Basic Git and setting up a static site.
This tutorial assumes no knowledge of coding whatsoever. It is split into 3 sections:
basics of how to use Git/Github.
Basics of Webpages
Basic of Static Pages
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